June Oscar Wins WA Local Hero in 2017 Australia Day Award

June Oscar - 2017 WA Local Hero. Photo: ABC iview

June Oscar - 2017 WA Local Hero. Photo: ABC iview

June Oscar AO, the current Desmond Tutu Reconciliation fellow, has won the Western Australia Local Hero award and was nominated as one of the 32 national finalists for 2017 Australian of the Year.

National Australia Day Council CEO, Chris Kirby, said the finalists were chosen from four award categories including educators, community volunteers, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs and humanitarians.

“The finalists for the 2017 Australian of the Year Awards are a diverse group of people, reflecting the many ways in which people are contributing to improving our nation every day,” said Mr Kirby.

“They come from country towns, from remote communities, from our suburbs and our city centres – they inspire us with their achievements, their commitment and with the difference they make to our community". 

“From this extraordinary group of people will come our next Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year and Australia’s Local Hero.”

Congratulations to you June from the team at Global Reconciliation.. go June!

June Oscar - 2017 WA Local Hero. Video: Australian of the Year Awards
