Walking Together - Remembering William Cooper, Recommitting To His Legacy

Walking Together, Melbourne, December 18, 2006

Walking Together, Melbourne, December 18, 2006

7 DEC 2018 — From the team at Walking Together: Petition closes Monday 10 December.

In reflection of his participation in the Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery in 1965, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel noted that, “Legs are not lips and walking is not kneeling. And yet our legs uttered songs. Even without words, our march was worship. I felt my legs were praying.”

That was certainly our experience as almost 600 "Walked Together" through the streets of Melbourne last night.Collectively we called upon our elected leaders to work together to establish a just Treaty that recognises and acknowledges our First Nation's and ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people have a lasting voice in our national Parliament.

Photos and information about the walk can be found on walking together.

So far we have almost 11,000 signatures but will continue to run the petition until Monday December 10 which as International Human Rights Day, is the perfect opportunity to deliver our message to the Prime Minister.

Victoria Baldwin