Open Letter to Australia's Prime Minister & Political Leaders
Sonia Kruger comments on Muslim immigration on The Today Show, 17 July 2016. Image: ABC News
Over 60 doctors and professors from a remarkably diverse range of disciplines have urged Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten, Leader of the National Party Barnaby Joyce, Leader of the Greens Richard Di Natale, and Senator Nick Xenophon to take a strong stance against hate speech in Australia. In an Open Letter to Australia’s Prime Minister & political leaders, the academics voiced their opposition to recent statements made by several public figures which followed a disturbing trend of religious discrimination, especially towards those of the Muslim faith.
Read on for the full letter and list of signatories below:
To Australia’s Prime Minister & Political Leaders
The signatories of this open letter are academics and scholars from across Australia who wish to lend their support to the chorus of Australians speaking out against recent statements by several media personalities and politicians which have instigated and accentuated a worrying trend of hate speech in Australia, especially towards those of the Muslim faith.
We fear that such speech, if left unchallenged and allowed to fester,will deepen divisions in this country, increase racial intolerance and discrimination, and, at worst, culminate in serious social tension and conflict. History is replete with cases of how the expression of extreme views against vulnerable minorities have escalated into hate crimes and violence, ripping apart the very fabric of society.
We maintain that freedom of expression is a vital and core value for a vibrant democratic country such as ours. However, we hold the view that an expression that incites hatred, or fear, against a section of our citizenry, or advocates and promotes discriminatory action, or implicit violence, against such a group, must be summarily challenged and rejected.
As educators we believe it is of the utmost importance for our leaders to be alert to the damaging implications for social cohesion and harmony. We call on you to act decisively to expose the fallacious and misconceived nature of some of the views being expressed and to make a decisive and definitive condemnation of hate speech. While we appreciate that there have been some efforts made in this direction, a far stronger stance is needed. History teaches us that the appeasement of bigotry is a dangerous and self-destructive strategy.
What we need to foster and nurture in Australia is respectful and genuine dialogue, intercultural understanding and empathy. We believe that spurning hate speech and bigotry is the first step.
We urge you as the leaders of our nation to unequivocally condemn hate speech and oppose campaigns of vilification by adding your voices to the overwhelming majority of Australians who reject such a culture of scapegoating, bigotry and hatred.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Phillip Ablett, University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr Gregory Acciaioli, Anthropology & Sociology, University of Western Australia
Associate Professor Panizza Allmark, School of Arts and Humanities, Edith Cowan University
Professor Dennis Altman, Professorial Fellow in Human Security, La Trobe University
Dr Julie Andrews, Convenor of Aboriginal Studies, La Trobe University
Dr Kristine Aquino, Department of Sociology, Macquarie University
Professor Louise Baur AM, University of Sydney
Dr Bijou Blick MBBS MPH Dip Paeds, NSW Institute of Psychiatry
Professor Linda Briskman, Professor of Human Rights, Swinburne Institute for Social Research
Dr Dean Chan, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University
Professor James Chin, Director, Asia Institute, University of Tasmania
Dr Sky Croeser, Department of Internet Studies, Curtin University
Professor Caroline de Costa AM, College of Medicine, James Cook University
Professor Bassam Dally, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide
Dr Helen Driscoll, Consultant Psychiatrist, Victoria
Dr Caroline Fleay, Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University
Emeritus Professor Kerry Goulston, University of Sydney
Associate Professor Patrick Guinness, Australian National University
Dr Bert Jenkins, Convenor of Peace Studies, University of New England
Professor Jon Jureidini, Research Leader, Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide
Dr Thor Kerr, School of Media, Culture & Creative Arts, Curtin University
Professor Ian Kerridge, Professor of Bioethics and Medicine, University of Sydney
Professor Marilyn Lake FAHA FASSA, Professor of History, University of Melbourne
Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder, Public Health and Community Medicine, Sydney University
Professor Helen Lee, Professor of Anthropology, La Trobe University
Dr Julian CH Lee, Senior Lecturer, Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University
Associate Professor James Leibold, Department of Politics and Philosophy, La Trobe University
Dr Debbi Long, Department of General Practice, School of Primary Health Care, Monash University
Professor Christopher Mackie, Professor of Public Scholarship, La Trobe University
Associate Professor Jane Mills, School of the Arts & Media, University of New South Wales
Associate Professor Christine Morley, Queensland University of Technology
Emeritus Professor Ross Mouer, Monash University
Dr Yamini Narayanan, Senior Lecturer, International and Community Development, Deakin University
Emeritus Professor Kim Oates AM, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
Professor Baden Offord, Director of Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University
Dr Haruhisa Handa, Chair of Human Rights Education, Curtin University
Professor Kaori H. Okano, Professor in Asian Studies, La Trobe University
Associate Professor Brigitta Olubas, School of the Arts & Media, University of NSW
Professor Suvendrini Perera, John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Curtin University
Dr Robbie Peters, Director of Development Studies, Sydney University
Professor Leon Piterman AM, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Monash University
Professor Graham Seal AM, Director of Australia-Asia-Pacific Institute, Curtin University
Emeritus Professor Yoshio Sugimoto, La Trobe University
Dr Lisa Tam, Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication, La Trobe University
Dr Gwenda Tavan, Head of Department of Politics and Philosophy, La Trobe University
Associate Professor Savitri Taylor, Law School, La Trobe University
Dr Antonio Traverso, School of Media, Culture & Creative Arts, Curtin University
Emeritus Professor David de Vaus, Former Executive Dean, University of Queensland
Dr Selvaraj Velayutham, Department of Sociology, Macquarie University
Professor Adrian Vickers FAHA, Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Sydney
Associate Professor Amanda Wise, Department of Sociology, Macquarie University
Dr Alex Wodak AM, Emeritus Consultant, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney
Dr Shannon Woodcock, Sextures Institute, Melbourne
Professor Spencer Zifcak, Allan Myers Professor of Law, Australian Catholic University