Somali Youth Peace
The Symposium on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), University of Hargeisa, Somaliland, the East Africa University IN Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia and Mogadishu University, Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia.
The symposium, teaching and workshopping peace and reconciliation techniques to young Somalis, was broadcasted by 4 of the main Somali TV networks. In 2015, Global Reconciliation in partnership with the Somali Youth Peace Project and Mogadishu University delivered a community based dialogue: Training on Peace Capacity Building for Young Somalis Living in a Fragile State of Somalia.
In January & February 2016, Dr Yusuf Sheikh Omar and Dr Kadhijo Osman undertook three more training courses following on from the previous year.

Somalia has been a failed state and without a central government for many years, resulting from a prolonged and devastating civil war. War has traumatised Somali society, and destroyed its national institutions, infrastructure, social foundations, positive ethos, communal trust, community spirit, solidarity, sense of hope and prevented meaningful dialogue. Somalia's youth have grown up in a country where violence is the norm. This, combined with poverty and the complex problems of a post-conflict society has resulted in a large number of disenfranchised youth who are vulnerable to recruiting by extremist and criminal groups.
The project aims to be ongoing and to inspire Somali youth and restore a sense of hope, confidence and trust through a process of positive dialogue, reconciliation, building healthy relationships and learning non-violent communication methods. Objectives of the project are:
► To transform perceptions and behaviours of young Somalis in constructive ways through meaningful dialogue and peace training.
► To develop a culture of harmony, positive social engagement, negotiation and conflict resolution skills among Somali youth.
► To develop participants' capacity to understand the root causes of social problems and identify relevant solutions.
► To develop a strategic plan on reconciliation and peace capacity building among young Somalis.